Wednesday, September 21, 2011

School Pictures

Picture proofs were sent home from school today, and I have to admit, I love getting these.  Even though we pay for very talented people to take pictures that are more our style, I still have to order school pictures in the smallest package available.  I just can't help myself.  But this year they took so many, I have no idea which one I'm going to order.  Any suggestions?

I didn't know they were taking pictures the first day because we had been out sick.  But these are definitely my favorite of Caroline by herself because they were taken in the morning when she was all smiles.


Since Elizabeth was out the first day, she took hers on the second day.  They let Caroline join her too, but she looks so tired in these pictures.

Is Elizabeth a little ham or what?!

And they took Caroline's one more time too.    Decisions, Decisions...

I also wanted to write about Elizabeth's sweet melt down today.  Yes, I said sweet and meltdown in the same sentence.  
Bert was picking up the girls from school today because I was staying late to hear our new superintendent speak.  When he got there to pick them up, he realized that I had forgotten to leave Caroline's carseat there this morning.  So he called me, and I told him that I would leave and be right there to pick up Caroline but to go ahead and take Elizabeth home.  No reason for them to hang around, right?  Well, when Elizabeth realized they were about to leave without her sister, she had a complete meltdown and refused to leave "my Caroline" behind.  Needless to say, they were still there when I arrived 15 minutes later.  I want to remember this story to remind E when she's 13 how much she loves her sister!


  1. Order ALL of them! They are so cute!

  2. E IS such a ham!!!! And that is absolutely precious that she didn't want to leave her sister!!! So Sweet!
