Friday, September 30, 2011

Pigtails and Pedicures

For a while now, Elizabeth has been obsessed with pigtails.  Every morning she will simply request "two pony tails, please."  

She prefers if there's a braid to go along with the pigtails.  She lets me do it, but she prefers for Ms. Charli (her teacher at school) to do it.

When Charli does it, I have to beg her to let me take them out before bath time and/or bed time.  I have to admit.  There have been days when I just let her sleep in them and wear them again to school the next day.  We are definitely in the stage of "pick your battles wisely!"

Something I used to think would be a battle, but apparently won't be in our house is nail painting.  I use to think I would be so strict regarding when I would allow my girls to wear nail polish.  I never thought I'd be begging her to let me paint them!

I didn't plan on asking if I could paint them, but E had noticed my red toe nails after my last pedicure.  She kept saying, "Mommy has pretty toes."  So I got really excited and asked her, "Does Elizabeth want pretty toes like mommy?  I can paint them for you!"  She sternly said, "NO!" and wouldn't let me come near her toes.  And ever since, I've gotten the same response.  Who would have thought my child wouldn't want to paint her nails!  Don't worry.  I'll keep working on that.

1 comment:

  1. She looks so cute with pigtails!!!

    That is too funny! I'm not ready to paint Meyers's yet. I don't think she will sit still for them to dry!
