Friday, September 23, 2011

Caroline is 5 months old!

I know I say it every month, but my baby is growing up way too fast!  She continues to be the happiest, easiest baby I've ever known.  She's just so content and brings us so much joy.  As does her sister!

I have learned that she doesn't like to be rocked to sleep at night.  Instead, I lay her in her crib, hold her hand, and stroke her face for about two minutes before she falls asleep.  Elizabeth still likes to be rocked, read to, and sung to at bedtime.  So our night time routine actually works out pretty smoothly.  In the mornings, I rock Caroline while I feed her.  That way, I still get some sweet, special time with my little angel.

We learned at Caroline's 4 month appointment that her bottom teeth are already starting to come in.  None have actually broken through, but you can see and feel them.  And she is drooling like crazy!

On September 3rd, she rolled from her back to stomach for the first time.  Now she does it every time we lay her down.  But she only rolls to her right side, and she never rolls from her belly to back.  She either starts grunting to get us to roll her back over or she puts her head down and goes to sleep.  Sweet thing!

Out of all the "toys" we have for her (like the swing, jumperoo, bumbo, and bouncy) she definitely prefers just laying on the floor.  We will put a big blanket down, lay her on top, and she's in heaven.  Especially if her sister is in sight!

She is reaching to grab things, especially our faces.  Sometimes I watch her just stare at her hands as if she's thinking, "I can't believe these are really mine!"  She is constantly grabbing her feet.  She hasn't put them in her mouth yet, but she loves holding on to them.

Elizabeth is definitely her favorite person in the world.  She just lights up whenever E comes in the room.  It's my most favorite thing in the world to watch them interact. 

And just like Elizabeth, Caroline adores her daddy.  She just looks at him different than everybody else (like in the picture above).  She also talks the most when he's talking to her. 

To me, they still look so much alike.  Not identical, but definitely similar.

Months 1 through 5

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she is 5 months old!! In no time, you are going to have a 6 month old and that sounds really old:) It goes by too fast!!!!!
