Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Day Full of Firsts!

* Warning: Lots of Pictures.  They are firsts, so they warrant extra picture taking!!

Our weekend full of firsts started with Elizabeth's teacher telling me on Friday that she went pee pee on the potty for the first time.  She's "accidently" pee peed before.  But this was the first time she told her teacher she had to go, then actually sat on the toilet and pee peed "big".  She was so excited to tell me when I picked her up.  However, she has yet to do it at home so I'm not sure if I'm really going to count it:)  I always say it doesn't count until mama sees it!

First #2: We decided to start Caroline on rice cereal this weekend.  She really did great for her first time. 

She wasn't quite sure of the spoon in her mouth, but she really liked the cereal.

She kept leaning forward for more.  Then she'd smile really big.  It may have been because I was smiling so big at her for taking her cereal so well.

Because she kept lunging forward, we decided to put her in the bouncy and add a bib.  Duh!

She really seemd to enjoy eating the cereal.  I finally had to stop feeding her because I wasn't sure her little belly could hold all she was willing to eat.  There's one thing for sure: my girls are eaters!

First #3: After breakfast, Elizabeth wanted to go play in her playroom.  So Caroline hung out for the first time in her jumperoo. 

She loved this new toy too!

She especially loved the little lion.  She kept staring at it and talking to it.  I think she thought it was real.

She could even touch one set of toes on the ground.  Don't you just love those thighs?!

First #4: Another huge first for Caroline is that she rolled over today.  She hasn't showed much interest in rolling.  Occasionally, she would go from side to side.  But that was it.

But then today, out of the blue, she started to roll over from her back to her front. 

For a few seconds, she seemed to be stuck with her arm underneath her.  But she soon completed the roll and was completely on her stomach.  However, she didn't like being on her stomach and couldn't figure out how to roll back over.  Every time I put her back on her back, she rolled over to her stomach again. 

First #5: This evening I took the girls to the park for Elizabeth to play on the playground.  I walked there pushing Elizabeth in our Bob and carrying Caroline in the Baby Bjorn facing me.  It's always been her very favorite spot.  But today, she kept twisting her neck trying to watch Elizabeth.  So...

I decided to turn her around for the first time.  And of course, she loved it!  You can't really tell from this picture because I was having to take it by reaching out my arm and blindly snapping the picture.  But she was as happy as a clam watching her sister slide and swing for a good hour!

First #6: On the way to the playground, for the first time I let Elizabeth run ahead (once we reached the grass) to start playing.  She doesn't need me to walk her up the steps to the slide or hold her hand down the slide anymore.  And she really hasn't for a while.  It kind of makes me sad, but I also know how blessed I am to watch her grow into an independent little girl.

First #7: I took a video of Elizabeth sliding down the big slide tonight.  Then I asked her to count in Spanish for me.  She started doing that out of the blue a couple of weeks ago.  But this is the first time I got it on video.


  1. Oh my goodness! I can't believe what a busy weekend you guys had! Love keeping up with the Kelly girls!

  2. Yay for E!!! That's great!

    That is great that Caroline loved the cereal. I am sure she will also be a good eater like Elizabeth!

    Very impressive espanol:)
