Sunday, July 29, 2012

Making it through the Children's Message

Elizabeth has decided that she is too big for the nursery at church.  So we've been letting her go to children's church instead.  They're supposed to be 4, but we thought we'd give it a try anyway.  She loves children's church.  That's not the problem.  It's sitting in big church long enough to make it to children's church that proves to be challenging for her.

She loves to "sing to Jesus" and I love hearing her sweet voice sing along.  Then they call the kids up for their special message.  I love this part of our service.  I love seeing all the children run to the front of the santuary and sit around whoever is giving the message.  The kids always say and do the funniest things.  Let me just say, it's definitely much funnier when it's someone elses kid doing those things. 

Last week, in the middle of the children's message Elizabeth stood up and began loudly repeating over and over, "I have to go pee-pee!  I have to go pee-pee!"  I jumped up, grabbed her, and practically ran out of the santuary.  Thankfully, our friend Tim, who is a natural comedian, was giving the children's message.  He helped make light of the situation by making a joke and got the whole congregation laughing. 

This morning, she got a late start walking to the front.  As she made her way up the center isle, she looked around and decided she didn't want to sit in the back.  So she turned around (the message already starting) and ran back down the middle isle, around the back, and up the side isle.  And she's not what you would consider a quiet runner.  Then, she zig zagged her way through the crowd of kids until she plopped herself right down in the very front.  Right under Matt's (speaker giving the message) feet.  Again, the whole congregation was laughing because of my child!  I wanted to melt into my pew!

Now I know why 4 is the magic number for children's church!  We'll try again in 6 months.


  1. I'm sure it was fine! It always seems worse when it is your kid! That is too funny though. Last weekend at Drews cousins wedding, Amelia pooped right at the end of the ceremony. I was so thankful that we haven't started potty training cause I know she would have been screaming, I've gotta poop! They just don't know any better.

  2. I'm rolling on the floor! I'm so glad you are writing these things down!
