Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Camera Practice

I've had my camera since Christmas last year, but didn't take it off of auto until about a month ago.  Learning how to use the manual settings is quite intimidating.  I have no desire to replace professional pictures of our girls, but I realize what a shame it is to have a nice camera that is always left on auto.  I have a long way to go, but I'm no longer afraid to try.  It's just about practice, practice, practice.  So the other day, I practiced different settings on one of my favorite subjects.
Because I wanted to use natural light but didn't want to go out in the heat, we had our little photo shoot in my bathroom.  Modeling exhausted my little angel and she soon fell asleep.  I kept practicing.

After taking pictures of Caroline in this onesie, I had flashbacks of Elizabeth wearing it two years ago.  I feel like I have a lot of de ja vu moments with Caroline.  Here is a picture of Elizabeth in it. 
After picking Elizabeth up from school, I decided to practice on a moving subject.  A little more challenging to say the least.

I have a LONG way to go, but I couldn't ask for better subject matter!! 


  1. Caroline is looking so different!! Crazy what just a few weeks will do for a baby!

    I've been practicing with my camera more, too. It's so frustrating sometimes!!! Those are some sweet pics of E.

  2. these are precious pictures! I agree with Beth--Caroline is changing in looks!
