Monday, May 9, 2011

First day on our own, plus some visitors

On Friday, May 6th when Bert's mom left, it was just me with my girls for the first time!  After two weeks of full time help, we were on our own.
But we weren't by ourselves for long!  Jessica and Kathryn brought lunch over for us and the girls played until both were completely exhausted.
When they left I was by myself to keep Caroline pacified while putting Elizabeth down for a nap.  Thankfully, it went quickly and smoothly.  I know it won't be like that every day, but it sure was encouraging for our first day. 
That night Mackenzie, Melissa, and Christy came over for some pizza, wine, and girl talk!  It was just what I needed!!  Bert took care of Elizabeth while we loved on Caroline and enjoyed each others' company.  I am so grateful for fantastic friends.
We also had our first challenge.  Elizabeth started running a fever on Friday night and didn't sleep at all.  We were so worried about her because of her febrile seizures, but now we also had to worry about her contact with her baby sister.  She always wants to love on her sister and since I can pick her up now, she is all about her mama.  It was so hard to keep them separated especially because it meant that I had to be separated too.
When her tylenol kicked in, Elizabeth enjoyed playing with Christy and picking out her own attire.  She insisted on wearing her chef's apron and rain coat, even though it was a beautiful day.
I was so glad Christy was here when all of this was going on.  At first I was a bit sad that she was here with the stress of Elizabeth being sick.  But it turned out to be a blessing.  Having her extra set of hands to hold Caroline or entertain Elizabeth was our life saver.  Plus, she let me talk and over analyze every decision we were making for our babies. 
Did I mention how much I love my friends?!


  1. Love the pigtails!!

    Love the raincoat and apron! I think she subconsciously is getting ready for me to come see her:)

    So glad you had a good weekend with your "UT" girls!!

  2. lets get rid of the soother, get you on your knees and I have something nice you can suck
