This weekend two years ago, we took Elizabeth to the tree farm to pick out our Christmas tree. It's the only year we actually cut one down. I prefer the Fraser Furs pre-cut and shipped in from the Carolinas, so we usually just go for the experience and activities. But that year I just couldn't say no to this face!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Day 29
I am thankful when Elizabeth lets me put her to bed. She usually prefers her daddy. But every now and then she'll say, "Mommy can rock me tonight." It's basically a pitty rock, but I'll take it. Anyways, She's really into reading her books to us instead of us reading them to her. I just had to capture it.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Day 28
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Day 27
I am thankful for precious little girls in matching outfits and adorable pink bows!
I am also thankful when those girls are full of personality!!
Monday, November 26, 2012
26th Day of Thanks
It was especially hard to go back to work today. I was so tired because my body was still on vacation mode and I really just wanted to stay home and finish decorating with my babies. But I am still thankful to wake up and get ready with them in the mornings.

And I'm thankful to snuggle with them each night. I just love clean baby girls in their pjs!

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And I'm thankful to snuggle with them each night. I just love clean baby girls in their pjs!

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Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thankful Day 25
I'm thankful for this weather. It got pretty chilly today which made it perfect for decorating for Christmas. The decorating process is quite a bit slower with two little busy bodies under foot. But they get so excited over each box we open, that I don't mind a bit that it will probably take me a full week to finish.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thankful Day 24
Friday, November 23, 2012
Flashback Friday
Today I am thankful for internet shopping. I feel like I took part in Black Friday without all of the hassle. Two years ago, we spent Thanksgiving in Nashville. Elizabeth was just 2 months older than Caroline is this year.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I have such a full heart this Thanksgiving. I've had the most wonderfully relaxing day. I've been so pampered at my mom's house.
The weather has just been gorgeous. The kids (and Grandma) played outside a lot today.
This is the first year Elizabeth has really gotten into the Macy's Parade and I loved watching it with her while her sister took a good long nap. When E recognized the floats she shrieked with enthusiasm, and she stared in awe as the broadway dancers performed each number.
Being with their cousins is probably Elizabeth's and Caroline's favorite part of Thanksgiving.
After feasting on all of my favorite Thanksgiving goodies, I snuck in a short nap! This girl is thankful for that!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Day 21
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thankful for Sisters
Today I am thankful for my sisters.
I am thankful for Melanie, and I'm excited to see her and my nieces over Thanksgiving. We don't talk very often, but when we are together it feels like home. I love her and her girls more than she'll ever know.
I am thankful for Hannah. Her strength and spirit inspires me always. And always has. She has amazed me since the day she was born. She is absolutely beautiful inside and out. I used to pretend she was my own, now I pray my own grow up just like her.
I am thankful for Rebeka. Her life proves that God's plan is sovereign. He gave her to us when we didn't even know there was someone missing. There would definitely be a void in my heart without this girl. I love her pure heart and vibrant personality. She is the most genuine person I know, and I love that my girls adore her just as much.
My sisters are the people who I will have the longest relationships with in my life. We will know each other longer than anyone else. I know my parents believe that each of us were a gift from God, but I believe my sisters were God's gift to me. I am blessed to call these women my sisters.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Day 19
Today I am so very thankful to have a week off of work to spend at home with my little pumpkins. They both slept until 8:00 which means I had 2 extra hours of sleep. That's a great way to start a Monday!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Day 18 of Thanks
Today I am thankful that my daughter loves Jesus. On Friday, when her teacher asked her what she was grateful for, Elizabeth answered "Jesus". She told me later that Jesus lives in her heart and "takes up a lot of space." I thank Jesus for that precious girl!

And I thank Him for my other precious girl who's pure sweetness!

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And I thank Him for my other precious girl who's pure sweetness!

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Saturday, November 17, 2012
Day 17
Friday, November 16, 2012
Flashback Friday
Thursday, November 15, 2012
15th Day of Thanks
Today I am thankful for my deer friends who I consider family. I'm thankful for all of my neighborhood friends, my church friends, my work friends, my high school friends, and my college friends. I'm especially thankful for my best girlfriends who are the people who know me best. They are my people and I treasure them.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Day 14
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Day 13
Today, I am thankful for kid birthday parties! Seriously, I LOVE them! I love going to them taking my kids to them. I somewhat like hosting them. But I really love planning them! Especially when you're in the idea stage of planning, and not the actual "make-it-happen" part. Dreaming about it is sometimes better than the real thing. I have already started imagining Elizabeth's 4th birthday party in February, and have even decided what I want to do for Caroline's in April. Going to Gaines's party last weekend, only fed my obsession.
Monday, November 12, 2012
The 12th Day of Thanks
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thankful: Day 11
Today I am thankful that my girls are such awesome travelers. We made it all the way to Nashville without any stops. The scenery was beautiful as well.

I'm also thankful for my sweet sister Rebeka who successfully put Elizabeth to bed and gave up her date night so I could go have a grown-up dinner with my parents. Love her!

The trip home was just as easy. We made it in 3.5 hours thanks to my easy riding babies!

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I'm also thankful for my sweet sister Rebeka who successfully put Elizabeth to bed and gave up her date night so I could go have a grown-up dinner with my parents. Love her!

The trip home was just as easy. We made it in 3.5 hours thanks to my easy riding babies!

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Saturday, November 10, 2012
Day 10 of Thanks
I'm thankful that our first sleep over was a success! A friend of mine who I teach with and whose girls are in the same classes as E and C had to work late with our school chorus tonight. So I picked her girls up from school and brought them home with us. I suggested that she let them spend the night since she would be pretty late. The girls were so giddy all night. Ella slept in the pack n play in Caroline's room. And Eva slept in the toddler blow up bed in Elizabeth's room. It may have been a miracle that all four girls went straight to sleep! Hallelujah!!

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Friday, November 9, 2012
Flashback Friday
Today I am thankful that I am able to share this stage of life with my bestest friends. One of which, we are going to see this weekend as we celebrate Gaines's 4th birthday.
November 2009- Gaines's 1st birthday
Their relationship is the same today... E invading his space, and G pretending she doesn't exist! Ha!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Day 8 of Thanks
Today I am thankful to teach the most awesome kids. Today we had our Who's Who program where we tapped 33 students to represent "the best" of Pope. I realized I have taught 32 of the 33 and many of them for 2 or 3 years. I'm so lucky to work at this school, with these young people.
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My senior psych classes |
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Mr. and Miss Pope... They are both in my 2nd period class and I taught both as freshmen! |
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012
30 Days of Thanks
I love that so many of my facebook friends are posting something they are thankful for each day in November. I'm going to try to do that here. I'm 7 days behind, but I believe I can catch up by sharing 7 things I'm thankful for in just the past 24 hours.
4. I'm thankful for strong steroids and epinephrine that allowed my baby to start breathing normally again very quickly.
5. I'm thankful for a fun field trip today in the cold weather that helped keep me awake after a whopping 2.5 hours of sleep last night. And this beatiful scenery that accompined it.
6. I'm thankful to be home right now, in my pjs, and sitting by the fire.
7. And finally, I'm thankful for some movement on the job front for Bert. The last two weeks have been very hopeful.
1. I'm thankful for a video monitor that showed us last night that our little girl was in distress. We heard Caroline bark coughing and she appeared to be scream crying, but no noice was coming out of her mouth. Basically, she could barely breath.
2. I am thankful that Bert was home from class when all of this took place. Not only did he help keep me calm, but I was able to take Caroline to the ER while Elizabeth stayed sleeping.
3. I'm thankful there was absolutely no waiting in the pediatric emergency care at Kennestone. Seriously, when does that happen? Thank you, Jesus!4. I'm thankful for strong steroids and epinephrine that allowed my baby to start breathing normally again very quickly.
5. I'm thankful for a fun field trip today in the cold weather that helped keep me awake after a whopping 2.5 hours of sleep last night. And this beatiful scenery that accompined it.
6. I'm thankful to be home right now, in my pjs, and sitting by the fire.
7. And finally, I'm thankful for some movement on the job front for Bert. The last two weeks have been very hopeful.
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