Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Potty Update with Random Pictures

I have no pictures except for these from my phone.  So most of them won't be matching my update on Elizabeth's potty training.  But random pictures are better than none.

This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago.  Elizabeth has loved sitting on the potty since she was 18 months old.  I just knew she would potty train early... yeah right!  Unfortunately, she had a fear of actually peeing in the potty.  So one day after school, I sat her on her potty in front of the TV watching Dora and viola!  Every since she has been okay with it.  I put the "little" potty away and she's only used the big toilet since.  It's what got this whole thing going.

Monday she had a perfect, accident-free day at school.  I was very hopeful!

 Tuesday started off good, but went terribly wrong on the playground around 10:00 (which is when Elizabeth likes to do her business!)

She had just gone pee-pee before they went out to play.  So her teacher didn't ask her if she needed to go in the 30 minutes they were outside playing.

Then, her teacher saw her running around the playground with brown pants (that were originally pink).

I'm sure she couldn't wait to clean her up (so thankful it wasn't on my watch:)).   When she asked Elizabeth why she didn't tell her that she had to go poo-poo, Elizabeth just said, "I play outside."

The girl really loves playing outside.  I guess even more than having a clean back side.  It grosses me out that SHE wasn't grossed out!  She just wanted to play!!

The rest of the evening went well.  No more accidents.  I'm hoping she does well tomorrow.  Maybe I can ask that they play outside at a different time.  I'm sure they'd love to schedule the whole school's outside time around my child's pooping patterns!  Ha!

Below is a picture of my Senior homecoming girls.  I have taught 4 out of the 5 since they were freshmen.  It has been amazing watching them grow into these beautiful women.  It makes me think of my own girls and how quickly they grow up!   Almost makes me treasure this time of potty training...almost.


  1. The potty in front of the tv was one of the better ideas I've ever had:)

  2. https://koorasep.de/invite/i=11232

    #best all new and free kid videos


  3. https://gangsterp7.de/invite/i=4078

  4. https://nttya38a.cc/invite/i=53026

  5. I enjoyed the pictures of Elizabeth and her potty training. And then the homecoming girls was funny. I didn’t even look at them lol. I thought Elizabeth was very sexy. And when I saw the homecoming girls I was like wow I love little girls.
